Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

Director: Zack Snyder
Stars: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Willem Dafoe, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen, J. K. Simmons
Runtime: 242 minutes
HBO Max Original

When all’s said and done, Snyder’s real vision in his painstakingly profound treatment of superhero characters has finally shone through, using every bit of sprawling length to its advantage. Gone are the original JL’s unexplained plot holes and cringeworthy jokes. Instead, thorough backstories of characters we’ve yet to meet, and the ones we know and love, are matched with genuine moments of wit and wonder, leading to fearsome battles with Steppenwolf and Darkseid. ZSJL feels sincere in a way few superhero films do, a throwback to old epics, deeply rooted in modern myth from spirited beginning to bittersweet end. (99 words/A PLUS PLUS PLUS)

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